Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Know What's an Inconvenient Truth? The Environment is a Shitty Asshole.

I had a stressful period of 30 minutes about two hours ago and I blame the environment completely. Allow me to elaborate.
I was heading back to work after my 4 hour lunch break. As you guys know (I'm always tempted to use "y'all" when addressing hypothetical readers. Jen, if that ever happens please throw your computer at a picture of me. I'll buy you a new one. A picture of me, that is. Also, if I ever refer to you as "hypothetical readers" again please put the replacement picture of me in a pot of water with a pinch of salt, a little allspice, bring to a brisk boil and smash against the wall. You're my one and only.) I've been all thoughtful lately. On of the reasons for this may that I haven't been all vodkaful lately and thus am capable of stringing a couple of concepts together. (BIZZLE!! GET UP! Here, eat this gin popsicle. See? All better.) One of the things I've been thinking about is my carbon footprint. Having a big one makes me feel wicked fat so I'd like to try and reduce mine. I've been making an effort (as of this morning) to limit the number of plastic bags, bottle, shower caps, saran wrap bikinis, paper cups, paper towels, cartons, crack pipes, kitten pelts etc. I've been using. At one point in my life (yesterday) I was drinking coffee like a marathoner drinks water. I would take a sip and promptly throw the cup away. Right down the throat of a baby seal. I'd like to try and curb habits like that. I'm also trying to eat locally and organically. (That's a lie.) SO on my way back to work I stopped at a local farm stand to fashion myself a delicious salad from their salad bar. 4lbs., an entire tomato, a head of lettuce, 2 peppers and $10 later I paid and said "No thanks!" when the young lady asked me if I wanted a bag. Think globally, act locally, right! If not now, when! Out with the old, in with the new! In for a penny, in for a pound!! Skate to where the puck is going not to where it's been! What? Okay. I got into my gas-guzzling SUV and placed the salad on the dash board for safe-keeping. I figured it would be safe there (that's what Humpty Dumpty said about his egg-shaped ass after he drank a whole bag of wine and went to sit on that wall.) t-minus 4 seconds later the salad-sans-bag was on the floor of my car. Oh whelp. Fast forward past me cleaning up the mess on the floor of the car, scraping the salad back into the container from whence it came (dude, I'm still going to eat it. I'm a hungry environmentalist.) and pouring the really dirty bits onto the ground next to the car. What? I was composting. I wanted to grab a cup of coffee before heading back to work and my new-found environmentalism prompted me to invest in the $20 refillable coffee cup that I've been thinking about buying since I threw away the last $20 refillable coffee cup I bought. (I hate money.) Well it seems as though I was one of the only people that had such gusto for saving the environment because the Oksana Baiul looking chick who sold me the cup totally overfilled the thing and I spilled it all over myself when I went to put the 6 packets of Splenda that I use to totally remove all coffee flavor from the brown liquid that I use to replace love in my life. I lurched out the door of the place with the 3.5 lb. salad (.5lb was composting on the ground next to my car) and the enormous stainless steel coffee mug which was dripping molten fake-sugar all over my hand and stumbled down the street to work. Well I guess I wasn't too present in the moment as I was fantasizing about what I was going to wear to ceremony when I was awarded the Nobel Prize for Environmentalism and I crashed into a fence post and my $10 organolocal salad literally exploded like an atom bomb all over the sidewalk.

So here I was $10 poorer, with burns on my hands and mouth, owner of a stupid heavy cup and no salad. In conclusion, I say fuck the environment. I'm going UNvironment. Somebody give me a six-pack of beer so I can drink 1, throw the other five into the ocean, catch a turtle and lasso him with the rings.

Sorry, Wilmer Valderramma the Turtle. Collateral damage.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Something I Should Have Done 2 Days Ago

Happy Birthday Bizzle.

I'm sorry I missed your birthday.  Thank you for being such a good friend.  I hope that someday I can be there to change your band-aids when you've managed to get yourself blackout drunk by 6pm and you no longer have motor skills because your hands are frozen from clutching the 45 vodka sodas which were your only comfort in a cruel world where Great Britain doesn't want you, and you've quit the only job you knew for more than 3 years.  Your only comfort, that is, until you best friend comes to save you, and take you home and change your bloody band-aids and make sure you don't die alone in a gutter, or worse, with a bunch of fat blonde ladies from Cincinnati carrying erroneous purses.  

I love you Itsabairan.  Happy belated.    

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Emotions: Why They Are Awesome and Important

I wasn't supposed to be blogging tonight.  I was supposed to have the night off and my home computer shat le bed, so I was to be computerless for a few days.  I was still going to be taking notes in my Hannah Montana trapperkeeper, but no real, bona fide bloggage until next week.  I had a nice little evening planned for myself.  I was planning to head over to Oak Bluffs and take myself on a date.  I thought I'd mosey about a bit, hit up some galleries, maybe catch a screening of The Dark Night then wrap up the evening at a bar where hopefully I'd cross paths with a pirate / drug smuggler with loose moral fiber and poor eyesight.  I'd even gotten myself a lil' gussied up.  (No make up or deodorant).  Put on my going out clothes (a see-through deep- v, rolled up cargo pants with holes in the crotch and flip flops) and did my hair nice (pony tail).  But the veiny, liver spotted hands of fate (sorry, Fate.  Your hands are kind of gross.  You should use sunblock.)  were busy weaving another path for our heroine.  I got a phone call and apparently I had signed up to cover a shift for a co-worker  and had forgotten.  Good thing I wasn't actually going to have a real date with anybody!  They would have been so disappointed that I would have had to cancel! Phew! Imaginary relationship really dodged a proverbial bullet on that one, right??  
Initially I was pretty pissed about this.  I was sort of looking forward to a little "me-plus-a-possible-awkward-hook-up time".  Then I thought about it a little and I figure, what could be better than sitting here in this gallery, listening to Tegan and Sara, eating a cobb salad out of a plastic container and writing on my blog?  Surely not meeting people and possibly having a meaningful relationship one day!! uedphsadsadweq34324.  Sorry!  The massive sob which just wracked my body caused my forehead to hit the keyboard and type some stuff. (In hindsight I think that's pretty much how this whole blog got started.)  

On to the post. 
Confucius (or Anjelica Houston) once said: "Why are Crocs like getting head from a guy?  Because they both feel good until you look down."  If you don't find that joke funny it's because it lost something in the translation from Chinese.  Or you're a girl.  Or you're gay.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  Some of my best friends think I'm gay, so it's cool if I make jokes, right?  Please don't put me on the list.    
An epidemic has swept the island nation of Martha's Vineyard.  (It's a nation.  Fuck off.) It has replaced the once good, God-fearing folk of this place with zombies.  Zombies that all wear the same thing on their feet.  Whole squadrons of children run down the street wearing pink, orange, blue, yellow, vomit, shit, death, sadness and fear colored footwear.  These things are made in basically every color of the flipping rainbow.  And other rainbows that we like, don't even know about yet.  The "shoes" that these zombies wear are brightly colored.  That's bad.  But worse?  They have holes in them.  And weird strappy things that go across your heel to keep these hellish creations afoot.  These demon-shoes are called Crocs.  And everyone here wears them.  Everybody has motherfucking Crocs.    
I've had a nightmare which starts out like a zombie movie, but instead of people trying to eat your brain they're wearing Crocs.  In the dream my roomates and I manage to get on the last ferry off the God-forsaken Croc-infested island and make it to the mainland.  When we arrive in Woods Hole there are rescue workers and government official waiting there to tell us where to go.  A big, burly police officer wearing a full flack suit reached for my hand to help me get off the boat and I'm so relieved.  Until I look down, and he's wearing Crocs.  Pink ones.  With an NYPD Croc-charm shoved in one of the drainage holes.  I wake up screaming.  I'm still screaming.  Oh wait, no I'm not.  I just coughed, but it's because I drank my water too fast.  The doesn't really qualify as a scream, but it's like a totally stressful noise all the same.   
I first saw Crocs back when I was working in a restaurant on the Cape.  The chef used to wear them because they were rubber and didn't hold kitchen stink like regular shoes did.  He could wash them with a hose or in the dish washer or with beer or whatever.  Also, he was drunk and stoned all the time.  Homeboy could have been wearing schnauzers on his feet and he wouldn't have cared.   The next time I saw them was on the feet of Mario Bitali walking through Washington Sq. park.  And then on a member of my  ex-company on "Beach Day".  Not necessarily in that order.  In the case of the former they were pink and paired with a fat red-headed dude.  In the latter case they were purple and paired with jean shorts and Navajo print detailing. I don't think I need to really get into why I assumed this fad would swiftly expire in it's stupid, shallow, clog shaped, aerated grave.  But both instances made me sufficiently nervous and decidedly skittish around these Crocs.  
Then I arrived on Martha's Vineyard and started seeing the things everywhere.  The gallery that I work at offers art lessons to kids, so every morning the fucking place is LOUSY with styrofoam shoes.  I guess I just don't understand why these people in particular are wearing them with such vehemence.  I can understand their role in society.  They're good for people who want to wear ugly shoes with holes in them.  But these people are usually dressed to the proverbial nines and loaded up with David Yurman and Tiffany jewelry.  You KNOW their other shoes are Zalos or Jack Purcells or Tods or whatever.  So WHY have they taken a hard left and opted for these fucking decroded, cheap-ass clog things?  It's not like they're slogging through muck all day and need extra drainage, or slaving behind a hot stove and need to be able to air their feet out.  Does walking from house to yacht to lunch to cocktail hour to dinner to after dinner drink REALLY require such a functional pair of shoes?  
Whatever, I fucking hate the things and I like to imagine that I have an army of faeries at my disposal.  (What, is that weird?)  In my imagination me and the faeries have a staff-meeting, a family forum if you will, at the beginning of each evening.  At this forum I tell of what mischief I would like them to perpetrate this night.  One night I will tell the faeries all about the hateful Crocs.  (Oh, my faeries are all dudes.)  And one of the faeries will ask me "But Good Queen why, pray tell, do the evil Crocs have all those holes in them?"  (Since the faeries are probably pretty horny little dudes he's leading me to the answer he wants to hear.)  And I will answer.  "Well, Vijay Singh the Faerie, those holes are for fucking!!  Go out into the night and fuck the holes of every single Croc that you can find!!"  And my army of faeries will cheer and cheer, and paint their faces blue and white and in formation they will go out into the night and they will fuck the shit out of all of the Crocs on the island.  Right under the noses of the yuppies and preppies and yachties who took them off at the end of a busy day of doing shit-all.
I don't know what this says about me but the only use I can imagine for all those holes in all of those Crocs is for faerie fucking.  (I'm even doing the annoying spelling of faerie.  So what's the word for one step past eccentric?  Oh.  Psycho.  Good to know.)  I have a sunburn, and I think I'm still dealing with the fact that I had to work tonight instead of spending the night alone doing the solo-tango of desperation in Oak Bluffs.  That might be why I came up with that use for the Croc holes.  That could be it, but I actually had that idea like two weeks ago while I was driving and I made myself giggle so hard that I almost crashed.  I guess I'm just weird. 
That said, see if you didn't giggle the next time you see a pair of Crocs.  Just picture a little faerie dude fucking the shit out of one of those holes, all pumped, making the O-Face.  Then picture bending down and giving him a high-five.  See if you can even come up with a bad mood for the rest of the day.  
There is one person in this world who can wear Crocs and not summon my ire.  Her name is Helen O'Connor.  She can wear whatever the fuck she wants.  Why?  Because she fucking rules. Stop asking questions, Vijay Singh the Faerie.  I just told you you can go out and fuck a bunch of Crocs.  What else do you want?  You're very spoiled.

Also, I totally fooled you with the title of this post.  
PUNKED!! PWNED!!1!!!!!OWNED!FAIL!111!!!! 


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Disclaimer: Shmaltz

I'm a babysitter. It's my secondary occupation at the time, and I live rent-free in exchange for the child care stuff. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right? Wrong. Children terrify me. I've thought long and hard about just exactly why this is true. I'm bigger, smarter and know more karate that like 70% of the juvenile population of America AND Canada. I should feel pretty confident around these motherfucking ankle biters, right? But I don't. And I think the reason is that kids don't have something that adults have. They haven't learned something that would make it easier for me to be around them. Namely, they haven't learned how to lie.
Just as an aside or a disclaimer about this post, lately I've had a lot of free time. That free time has allowed me to think about some stuff. I'm feeling particularly thoughtful today so I'm going to blog about it. Also, it's really fucking hot out and I hate AC.  My bedroom is a veritable sweat lodge right now. I'm pretty much in a Hogan, on a spirit quest, looking for my power animal due to loss of electrolytes, so bear with me.  (Update:  I've ascertained the identity of my spirit animal.  He's an Albanian Conversophile who goes by the name of Itsabairan.  His power word is "Twat".  Power move?  Oh a little dash o' this, and a little dash o' that.)  
Back to lying. As I mentioned, I've been thinking. And listening to techno. One of the things I've been thinking about is the meaning of words. Words like "nice", "lie" and "selfish". I'm starting to get a real bee in my fedora about the word "nice". I think "nice" people are actually incredibly "selfish", because they "lie".  Oh shut up and allow me to explain. One of the ways in which we attribute meaning to a particular word is by looking at the connotation society has projected onto it and that which it describes. I don't know the origin of the word "nice", and if you try to work it backwards and extrapolate the meaning of the word by looking at that which it describes you get totally fucking lost because the word "nice" is used to describe things that run the gamut from the taste of wine to the experience of taking a shit.  (I'm not looking in the dictionary for this on either.  Those things are for hippies.)  I know there's a town in France called Nice. Maybe the word "nice" comes from Nice where a group of guys got together and were talking about the girls in their town.  "That cheek Sofie.  She told me zat my beret looked good, and she bought me a baguette but she's totally fucking boreeing.  I can't call her a beetch because she does nice sings for me, but I don't think she ees all zat great.  Oh zee Nice girls.  What word can we use to describe zem?" Nowadays when you think of someone nice (or at least when I think of someone nice) it's someone who tells you what you want to hear and doesn't call you out an any of your bullshit. Basically someone who "lies". Now somewhere along the line the word "lie" got a bad rap. Lies aren't always "bad". (There's another word that makes me itchy. Bad. So fucking arbitrary.) When we lie we're coming up with a scenario that is more comfortable for ourself or others than reality. Reality and honesty are hard and they fucking suck and we do what we have to do to make sure our lives aren't TOO hard and don't suck TOO much.  We all had to come up with a million lies to get through the formative years of our lives. Mine was the marriage of Claire and Heathcliff Huxtable. When I found out about Ahmad Rashad I was shattered. SHATTERED. We lie every day. How many times have you said "Excuse me" when you meant "Get the fucking fuck out of my way, fat ass". Now, you said the former rather than the latter because you didn't want to hurt the other person with your actual response to their in-the-way-ness. You weren't really asking for that person to excuse you. That was a lie. You didn't want to raise a fuss, or get into a whole thing about how this fucking bitch brought her four-wheel drive SUV stroller onto the subway at 9am on a Wednesday and you're already totally fucking late to this bullshit meeting that you forgot you had and don't care about. In effect you were being "selfish" because you don't rreeeally care about hurting the other person's feelings because you in fact said "Excuse me." with venomous hatred while jamming your laptop case into her back. You were more protecting yourself from an awkward situation. But again, the word "selfish" has a bad rep. "Self" and "ish". I give an "ish" about mah "self". What the fuck is wrong with that? What's so wrong with giving ourselves a break for a minute and doing what's in our own best interest? I think a lot of problems would be solved if the word "selfish" were to be unstigmatized and people allowed themselves a little bit more "ish" for themselves. We beat the shit out of ourselves for ever thinking about what we want, so we then resent ourselves AND everyone who forces us to suppress these "selfish" thoughts and actions.
Okay, back to kids. Kids don't lie. The don't know how. They don't say "excuse me". They say "move". The don't say "you look great in that dress" they say "why does your face look like that?". They don't say "sure you can play with this" and then quietly resent the shit out of you for taking it. They say "mine". And they keep it. And they're happy.  They're not trying to pretzel their little personalities to fit what they think you would want them to be like most adults are. They're just being. And that's fucking terrifying. They don't do stuff to please you. At least not when they're young. That comes later. So when you ask them to do something you better fucking hope they want to do it too, otherwise you're in a world of hurt. If they don't want to put back to box of tampons which they deftly plucked from the Feminine Hygiene aisle you're going to have to figure out how to make them want to or everyone in the store is going to see that you suck at this, and your whole fragile armour of lies and ego is going to crack wide open.
One of the hardest things about dealing with kids is getting them to do the basics: Eat, shit, bathe, sleep. All the other stuff is kind of extraneous. When you can't get a little kid to eat, you start to get into a semi-scary, pre-survival situation. There are a lot of things that can happen in a day that I can give myself a break about fucking up. If I can't run a marathon it's not the end of the world. Maybe I'll never get a high paying job, or any job at all. I can live with my mom. I crash my car and don't kill anyone, whatever.  I can get a new car.  If I can't get this fucking kid to eat he might get sick, and then Mom is going to come home and fucking kill me. When Moms think their kids are in trouble they are so fucking scary. For example, the fire alarms in my house have a habit of going off at 3am. Well the first morning they went off it was just me, Mom and kid in the house. When the alarm went off I was up just in time to see Mom scoop kid out of bed, FLY down the stairs and out the door of the house to safety. This all transpired in about 2 seconds. What I didn't mention was that she had no free hands to open the door to get out of the house because they were full of kid. She took the door of it's hinges with Mommy adrenaline. It was a screen door, but regardless. That was an amazing and terrifying thing to behold and I won't lie when I say I'm scared of Moms, this Mom in particular  (Jesus, how many things am I scared of?  Oh Jesus.  I'm totally scared of Jesus.  Beards.  Apostles.  Yeesh.)  So when it comes to trying to get the kid to do the basics that are required for survival, you better believe that desperation is creeping into my voice as I'm looking to get this kid to eat his fucking turkey dog. 
Lately he's been having some trouble sleeping. When I was first trying to get him to go to bed I didn't stress out about it too much because we all just assumed it was a developmental thing and he'd get over it. Then he started to have some problems. His moods started to be affected by tiredness, and he wasn't eating. Mom made a point to tell me to put him to bed early and make sure that he go to sleep. Um, what. How do I do that. Give me an engine block to rebuild, a knot to untie or language to learn. I'm good. I'll read the directions or whatever.  Tell me that I practically have to force a little person to do something that they seemingly don't want to do? Iie, arigato. In any other instance I would try and use logic. But homeboy doesn't really get logic too well yet. He doesn't understand that the feeling of frustration and sadness that comes upon him at night mean he's tired. I don't think I even figured that out until I left NYC. You can't explain that to him and make him want to go to sleep. All he knows is that when he lays in that bed trying to go to sleep his body and his mind won't just shut off, so he thinks he's not tired. And he's frustrated so he wants to give up. But when you give up on sleep Mom gets mad and kills babysitter, so that won't do.
I talked to some people about how to remedy the situation, and the overwhelming consensus was hug therapy. You just need to hug the kid, and make him lay still and then he'll fall asleep.  (Itsabairan suggests Shnapps.  I'm amenable to that suggestion.)  
I really don't like hugging.  It's a total set-up for rejection.  And I HATE rejection.  (Morgannnnnn...)  What about when I go to hug someone and they don't want to hug me?  How am I supposed to deal with that? (Not that that happens all that often.  Most people like getting hugged, but you all know about what the inside of my head looks like.  Spandex.  Cupolas.  "It's a Small World."  Rejected hugs.)  The idea of laying in bed with someone else's kid forcing him to allow me to extended-hug him is my personal nightmare.  I started to come up with all the "lies" I had in my bag of tricks to make me feel better about feeling so scared about this.  "He's not my fucking kid."  "This wasn't in my job description."  "I may have The Clap.  I don't want him to catch it."  These are all the things I was telling myself to make myself feel more comfortable about dreading doing what I had to do to help this little guy fall asleep.   Then bedtime came, and Captain Refusestoshit Sir Eatsonlybacon Von Sleepsanhour is all piss n' vinegar.  He wriggles around in bed for an hour and recites 64 lines from that movies "Cars".  (I hate that movie.  Mostly because he makes me re-watch the first 25 minutes over and over again and I can't get the weird version of "Life is a Highway" that plays during a drive-down-Route-66 montage out of my fucking head.)  SO finally I'm so frustrated and scared of Mom that I just grab him and hold on for dear life.  Hug rejected, crying, whining "I want Mommy", rip my heart out, fuck.  But I hold on.  And he starts to calm down.  Before he was pushing my arms away, and then he kind of starts to grab my wrist, and then my hand.  And his breathing slows down.  And he's asleep holding my hand.  
Okay, so you know how I hate rejection?  Well here's what I'm thinking right now:  The people that read this blog are used to me being funny and this is shmaltzy.  I have to be funny for them to like me.  I should erase this and write a funny post about Crocs.  (Also I'm thinking that Disclaimer Shmaltz would be an excellent name for a sidekick to my superhero, Malidea Jones.)  That's what I'm thinking right now.  I'm making up lies that keep me in my safe little world that holds no fear for me.  If I stay the same guarded asshole who hides behind her humor everything will be safe and I'll never have to do anything hard and everyone will like me and nobody will reject me and I may as well be fucking dead.   
I told this story because it was something that I was really proud of.  I know I totally overthunk the whole thing, and in the "grand scheme" getting a little kid to fall asleep by hugging him falls right in front of the guy that finally got the navel orange pyramid to stand at the Price Chopper, but I'm fucking proud of it.  (See?  That was my mind telling me to tell you that I understand that you guys probably don't care about this in the hopes that you won't reject me as readers.  Hey, Mind?  You're being kind of a dick.)  I'm proud  that I was finally was able to see that the lies I was making up in my head to keep myself comfortable were causing me to potentially and actually fuck stuff up.  I know this is a little Tony Robbinsy or Eastern Mysticismy, but at least it's not "nice". And at least Mom didn't kill me.  Yet.  He was up at 5am the next morning because my cell phone alarm went off and woke him up.  Oops.     

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I think I might be an eccentric

Earlier today Jennifer "Sigh"ya Savage asked me if I was going to bleggg tonight. I said no, trying to pretend I had better stuff to do.

Well I am, and I don't.

I also was a little hesitant to write anything because I'm starting to feel like this blog is a big Thanksgiving Day Parade float for my ego. (It's got like 6 chicks in spandex riding on it and a spinny cupola covered in flowers. The float is playing "It's a Small World After All" but I think some water got in the music machine because it's coming out really slowly and all distorted-like. It's a pretty creepy float.) But then I says to myself, I says "Self, stop being douchy. It's your blog. You can write whatever you want. They don't have to read it. And if they do read it and judge it harshly they are ugly, and live small, sad lives." So that little chat with m'self made me feel oodles better. Also I realized that I don't have too much fodder for blog posts these days other than my dark, twisted Turkey Day float of a mind. I haven't watched TV in like a month and a half. (JEN! GET UP! BREATHE! Here. Drink this ranch dressing. See? All better.) I mean I read and shit, but there's not even anything going on in celeb world. Pregnant man gives birth? THAT'S A CHICK! WITH SHORT HAIR! Also, Heather Locklear's depression does not for a radical blog post make. So it's back to me. And my apparent eccentricity.
I began to ponder this potential eccentricity this afternoon as I was walking to my yoga class. Aforementioned yoga class is approximately 2.5 miles from my home. I put on my yogatume and skipped out the front door. I grabbed my gallon jug of water (with no top!), my shiny black patent leather evening clutch and iPod, walked right past my perfectly good car with a full tank of gas and headed on my merry way. Yoga class started at 5:30pm. I left the house at 4:40pm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it only takes 50 minutes to walk 2.5 miles on the North face of Kilimanjaro. I cannot give myself less than 50 minutes to do anything. I have to meet someone a 5 minute walk from my house at 2pm? I'm leaving at 1:10pm. Job interview? Forget it. I'm leaving 2 hours ahead. If the job interview was at 12 noon on the first floor of the house that I lived in, I would leave my room to walk down 13 stairs at 10am. The only time I'm ever late is if I'm hung over. If I'm still drunk I'm even earlier that I would have been normally. I have distinct memories of browning in at work at 7am, hours before anyone else arrived, trying desperately to piece my morning together. (I don't even try with the nights anymore. They've gone the way of the vodka soaked Dodo.)
The first time the word "eccentric" actually entered my mind was when I was standing on the side of the road, holding my going-out clutch, halfway to yoga drinking out of the top-less water jug which I proceeded to spill all over myself. As I stood on the shoulder of the road with a water-soaked shirt listening to techno music at full blast and laughing at myself I thought, "Hey, this is a little weird. Am I weird? Nah. I'm eccentic!!"
Now, obviously this one event of semi-wierdness does not constitute an eccentric personality. There's more.
1. The early thing. It's pretty out of hand.
2. I often make a weird face when I hear a song I like. The face is a combination of when someone says something wicked obvious and when you see a really pronounced camel toe. I think you get the idea.
3. I will play the aforementioned great song on repeat. For days. And days. There is usually a pretty heated struggled going on in my head when I have an obsession with a song. After I've played it say, 14 times I'l l think to myself "Okay, just one more time." I will then come to 45 minutes later having had listened to the song 10 more times. Then I cry. (Just kidding.)
4. I often break up the repeated playing of aformentioned great song with intense bouts of house, trance and other techno music. I usually listen to this music really loud, whilst driving down the tree-lined, cobblestoned streets of Edgartown, MA. If any of you have ever been to E-Town you know what I'm saying. For those of you that haven't think about rocking out to "She Fucking Hates Me" by Puddle of Mud at your grandmother's birthday party. It's kind of exactly just like that.
5. I tend to go into wardrobe K-Holes. My current K-Hole consists of gold flip flops, awkward length cut-off jean shorts and a fedora. Yes, a fedora. I used to do this in college as well. I briefly attended (read: failed out of) a really small college in Florida which was the playground of the kids whose parents sent them away to hide them from their prep school coke busts. These people were rich and faaancy. I over heard a quote one day of a girl telling a friend about how she felt far away from her boyfriend. The friend replied "Oh you don't spend much time together?" The girl answered "Oh no, we see each other all the time. It's just that he drives a Hummer and the passenger seat and the drivers seat are so far apart!" (That's not a joke. I mean it is a joke in the "nice fucking life" sense, but that conversation actually happened.) I was surrounded on all sides by Lilly Pulitzer, Theory, Diane Von F, etc. I chose to walk around that place in white painter pants with stains on them and a mallard green v-neck sweater with a hole in the armpit. I think it might just be my way of rebelling against the man. In Edgartown I dress like someone out of Slash's Snake Pit, at Rollins I dressed like your high school Biology teacher who was accused of hooking up with the class slut in the cooler where they kept all of the dead frogs. I'm not sure I perpetrated such ensemble rebellion when I lived in NYC. Jen, can you think of an example? (Hold on, I've got an incoming email. Oh, it's from Tranny Air. She just wants to make sure we're still friends. )
6. In response to the question: "If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?" My answer, "An ill tempered, genetically engineered 4 lb. hippopotamus with Crohn's Disease." Okay, I know what you're thinking. "That's a stupid fucking questions." Hippies. 'Nuff said. Also, you're probably asking "why the teeny hippo"? Well I'll tell you. Because who the fuck is going to love a monster like that? This tiny disaster bites you, farts and then poops on you. (Insert Olsen Twin joke here, I suppose.) And it has to be in water for a good portion of it's life so it lives in a gross pond and is probably slimy. Who's going to love him? Nobody. Except me. I'm going to be the only one in the world who loves him, and know what that means? That means I'm going to be the only one in the world who he loves. We'll love each other. Two against the world. He'll need me. To brush his four gross teeth. To change his diaper. To clean out his grimy baby pool. I will be the sun to his decroded Earth. DO YOU HEAR THAT RICHARD DREYFUSS? ANJELICA HOUSTON? MORGAN FREEMAN? I HAVE LOVE!! Dodi Al Faypottamus and I are very happy together. So you go off, date your "girls". Have your "lives" and your "families". Dodi and I will be here, sunning ourselves on the beach trying to clear up these rashes. WITHOUT YOU!!
7. I play the air drums when I go running. Like, a lot. The weirdest part of this idiosyncrasy is the running part. I've been a big exerciser for a long time now, but it still seems to strange to me that I do ridiculous things like "go jogging". I guess this is because the mental image that I've constructed of myself for myself, my "ego" if you will, is some combination of Andrew Dice Clay, Brigette Nielson and Kit from Night Rider. Needless to say, this amalgamation of awesomeness does not need to work out. So the running part is weird unto itself. But the drumming. Who does that? I've never even played the real drums. What in the world gave me the idea that I'm allowed to play the imaginary drums to the trance song that I've been listening to on repeat since I began this "jog" which fundamentally goes against ever fiber of my chauvinist, in-recovery, wicked-helpful-awesome-car being?
8. The "Dear Reader" thing. That was weird. I annoyed myself. Sorry about that.

I could go on, but I think you're picking up what I'm putting down. Also, I'm tired and I need to make up some excuse to the Ginger about how I have to wake up wicked early tomorrow and go "running". Or am I making the excuse to you? Who's the Ginger now, dear reader? Who's the Ginger now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Relocation Fail

I was supposed to move to London. But I didn't.

Let me just start out by saying I never really wanted to move to London. Well, I actually really did want to move there, but not under the circumstances such as they were. The company I worked for was headquartered in NYC, but they were going international and I was offered the job of starting up the customer service department in the UK. I was really excited because I was pretty sick of my job and I figured this would be just the change I needed. Also, London is a super rad city. Or so I've ascertained in my few brief visits there. I guess I didn't really take into account the fact that even if I was moving to London I was moving for a job and I'd be doing the same work, just somewhere else. I thought it would be enough to be in London, and I'd figure out the shitty job thing later. I found out about the move about a year before I was scheduled to go and that was definitely what kept me at that company for the extra year. I loved the company, loved the people, HATED the work.
In the months leading up to the move I was hearing various opinions about the move I had planned. My boss and other co-workers would not stop talking about how lucky I was. What a great opportunity this was . How this would never happen at another company. This is all true. I was really lucky to get this shot. I won't argue with that. I also totally fucking deserved this opportunity. I worked my ass off, gave 150% and was really good at my job. I supposed the problem comes when opportunity is confused with compensation. Also troublesome, when people tell you how excited and grateful you should be. Every day. For A YEAR. Some people created entire relationships with me based solely on asking me if I was excited to move to London. "Hey! How long till the move? You ready? Found an apartment yet? I have a friend who lived in London for 3 months 35 years ago. I'll TOTALLY give you their number! How excited are you? You must be SO excited!! Oh my god, if I was your age / single / not totally fucking lame I would SO move to London!!" *Squeal* This is literally the conversation that would happen at me when I would go to get coffee in the morning. Or a snack in the afternoon. Or to go wash my hands. Or in the elevator. Or when I would go to take shots of triple sec in the snack room after my boss left. Usually I didn't even contribute to the conversation. When it first started I would answer and share my hopes, fears, excitements and concerns. Then I realized they weren't actually listening to me. I don't know if they were just looking for a reason to talk to me because I'm hot and awesome, or if they were trying to live vicariously through me, but it was hard to deal with. I virtually stopped eating and drinking in the office just to avoid these conversations. Some people have empty relationships based on sex. Not I. I have empty relationships based on great opportunities. Motherfucker.
I was also hearing some opposing opinions. I'm not sure if you've heard but apparently the dollar's pretty weak, especially in comparison to the pound. The first thing most people said to me when I told them I was moving to the UK was "You'd best be gettin' a raise. A hyuck!" (For some reason I always remember this comment coming from a toothless hick out of Appalachia.) I was regaled with horror stories of the expense of living in London and how my salary would basically have to double in order to maintain any standard of living. These people would convince me that since I was basically giving up my life as I knew it, I should be compensated infinitely more than I deserved. I was, to say the least, confused. When I brought these concerns up to my boss and HR department I was told that it would all be figured out and that I shouldn't worry. Maybe I should stop trusting people and figure stuff out on my own. Hindsight's always 20/20. Motherfucker. (Note: I'm getting sad and nauseous even writing about this shit. I'm so fucking glad there's some Livingston Cellars in the back room. I'm going to need another spritzer to get through this post. Also, I just checked out a girl. I liked her dress. Whatever.)
Since the company was going international this required the creation of a whole new business unit. We need our own little customer service team (me). A new tech team (a couple of dudes). A new marketing team, sales, etc. All of this was to be managed by a GM who was hired in the UK. She came over to the states for six months to learn the business before we moved back to London together. She was my direct boss and she was really great for me when she first started. She got me a raise straightaway and restored a bit of my faith in the whole project. She also quoted me the salary I would be making once I moved to London and it was well more than I had expected. That was cool. One of my really good friends was originally supposed to be moving to London when I did. That made the whole thing a lot more exciting for me. Then he quit. That sucked. I was already really scared, and this shook my confidence further. My boss tried to make me excited after my friend quit, but there was some shit going on in my head that couldn't be undid. A couple of months after my that guy quit they brought Bob on board as the sales the department in the UK. That was totally radical because Bob is my hooomeboy, and I was super pumped that he would be moving too. But when he became a part of the team I couldn't help feeling like I had tricked him into getting involved in something that might be kind of a shitshow. Now, Bob is an adult, and it's pretty conceited of me to think that I had much effect on his decision to join the team and move to London, but I was feeling pretty crazy at the time and this was just another tire on the Springfield Tire Fire of fear and loathing.
As the months and weeks rolled on I made no preparation whatsoever to move to another country. I tried to look for an apartment, but it couldn't really be done from across the Atlantic also I had some serious drinking to do before I left and that was priority #1. I had a vague notion that I would need a work Visa. When I lived in Italy I tried to apply for a work Visa once I got there only to discover that it needed to be taken care of before entering the country. It worked okay in Italy because I just pretended to be the mute cousin of the owner and the plan was that I would scuttle into the back room when we suspected any restaurant patrons of being INS. Basically if we saw anyone wearing a suit and tie enter the restaurant I would put my head down, mumble something incoherent and run for the basement. I'm sure there are some Italian business men who believed that La Darsena restaurant was doing the universe a solid by employing a retarded chick for the summer. At any rate, I didn't think this plan would work at an internet company in the UK, namely because our office in London was on the 345th floor and I didn't think I could make it to the basement in time to avoid La Migra. So I emailed the HR department about getting my Visa. And then I went and talked to them. They were busy ordering lunch so I didn't hear much, and because they weren't stressed I wasn't going to worry about it. Also I was drunk.
My bosses heard my concerns about the fact that it would be really tough to find an apartment without actually being in the city, so they decided to send me to London to attend some conferences, get familiar with the city and scope out some possible areas to in which to live. That was totally rad. In theory. I went to a couple of conferences and talked to some realtors but mostly I was by myself walking around London, which was fucking awesome. I really love that city. At one point in the trip we realized that my hotel room hadn't been paid for in advance and that we would need to put it on a corporate card. My boss was really sketchy about helping me figure this out and at one point it looked like I was going to have to put $2,000 worth of hotel room charges on my own credit card. Which was maxed out. I distinctly remember walking along the Thames thinking "Okay, if I call my mom and get her to wire me $2,050 I can afford the hotel room and maybe I can eat tomorrow." I lost 6 pounds on that trip because I couldn't afford to eat. If these were the problems I was having on a fucking recon mission to London imagine what would happen when I actually moved there. Forget seeds of doubt, doubt had just taken a huge steaming dump in my brain. (Wow, I just really grossed myself out. But I'm not erasing it.) Also when I got back my boss was angry that I had charged food to my room. The 2 meals that I did eat in a week were a source of major stress in my happy little business unit. I think this is when I started to drink at lunch.
Now my departure is just weeks away. At this point Bob and I were starting to get stressed out about all of the stuff that HR and our bosses hadn't figured out, so we kind of formed a two-person ACLU for white kids moving to London. We were still really unsure about how our salaries (and a million other things) were going to work, so we wrote down a list of our concerns, emailed them to our boss and he sat down with us after he'd gone through the list to try and figure everything out. Also joining us was the VP of People who apparently was instrumental in forming the "relocation plan". Here it was: We were to have no Visas. We would go as "consultants" until the HR department had time to figure everything out. We would continue to be paid in US dollars, however the company would pay for our housing which, in a white board diagram, in purple ink, explained in a thick French accent seemed to show we were breaking exactly even to what we were making in the US. (This does make sense considering the dollar is half the value of the pound and half our salaries were going to rent. Or it doesn't make sense. I was probably drunk.) There would be no raises. We hadn't proven ourselves to deserve a raise thus far. This would be reassessed at a later date. The VP of People then went on to discuss that everything else aside, this was going to be "awesome". And the really important thing was that once we got to London we had to make sure to plan a super fun time for him when he came to visit. And then he left. And got on a plane to Japan. Leaving myself, Bob and our two bosses in a room with no air. This line rang in my head for weeks after this meeting: "You're going to be consultants, and we're going to figure it all out, and it'll be AWESOME!" At this point I'd pretty much checked out. You know that scene in Austin Powers when the steam roller is coming towards the guy really slowly, and he just stands there screaming and never gets out of the way? That was me. I was in the great opportunity barrel going over Niagra Falls. Just pass me the sippy cup full of vodka and make sure you don't spill any as you do.
Time, like the shitty asshole that it is, waits for no man. I didn't start packing up my apartment until a week before I left. And by "packing up" I mean throwing everything away. I triaged 60% of my worldly good. When Jan. 4th, departure day, rolled around I had 5 boxes and 5 bags left. No home, no furniture, no nothing. I had a great New Years. My best friend Annie came to New York and I think she was one of the only people who actually said to me "If you don't want to go, you don't have to go." I also think she was one of the only people I told of my fears. She returned to me a lot of the faith I had lost in conversations with my bosses and the snack room carrion. I realized that opportunity is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe this wasn't mine. The day Annie left I went out to dinner with my mom and my brother. I told them how I felt, and my mom agreed with Annie. If I had spoken to only those two women in the days before I left I would never have gotten on the plane. But my brother, as only your motherfucking brother can, urged that I just get on the plane. He echoed what I had been thinking, that if I didn't just get on the plane I would regret it forever. So that's what I did. I got on the mother FUCKING plane.
Okay, speaking of the plane. Always looking to save a buck, the plane tickets our company booked were really weird. We went through Munich to get to London. (Look at a map. That's retarded.) I in fact helped find the tickets and Bob and I thought it was pretty funny. We were actually sort of excited to get a stein in the mother country en route to our new home. Too bad it was 9am when we go there. (The first time.) When we were booking the tickets it didn't seem to matter, but this becomes important later in the story.
Rewind to day of departure. The plane left at like 5pm and I had one of those hangovers that gets worse as the day goes on. I had been staying at Morgan Freeman's house because I'd sold my bed three days prior, so everything felt extra surreal. We took a cab to work, I packed up the rest of my shit, said goodbye to like 4 people and headed back home to "finish packing". (Read: "start packing".) I had been so lazy and reticent in my packing job that I had decided that instead of shipping stuff I would just bring 5 bags to the airport and pay the extra $150 a piece to check them. My brother was at my apartment and I made him wait for FedEx to come pick up all of my boxes so he was totally annoyed with me when I finally left. (Also when I was born, on my 3rd birthday, yesterday, March 13th of '02 and that time I walked in on him when he was hooking up with that chick.) I got to the airport and checked in after paying $300 to get the extra bags on the plane. We had a fun flight to Munich because Bob speaks a lot of German so he was translating a lot of stuff the pilot said. (Even though he also said everything in English.) Munich Airport at 9am may as well have been Louisville, then back on Lufthansa to London.
This is the part of the story that I always tell quickly, in a mumble. It's these minutes of my life that my boss used to throw me under the bus. To make the whole thing my fault. He used these couple of words to pit Bob against me so he wouldn't be totally demoralized and quit. (Or so I believed in my guilt / fear / vodka addled brain.) This brief moment is something I have replayed in my head 1,000 times and can't figure out a way I could have done it better.
When we were in line at customs I was ahead of Bob and was called to the counter first. (Deeeep breath. I'm about to start crying.) I had my passport ready, and just like I had done dozens of times, I walked up to the customs agent and presented myself. He looked at me and asked "What's the purpose of your visit to the UK?" Um. Well. I have no fucking idea. I had had so many conversations with so many different people regarding the purpose of my fucking visit to the UK. I knew I couldn't say business because I would need a Visa for that, right? But I'll be lying if I say I'm going for pleasure. Especially because I want nothing more than to poke my pointer finger and my middle finger into your two eyes, turn around and run right back onto the glorious Lufthansa plane that brought me here. If I'm a consultant, does that mean I'm here on business? And for how long should I be here if I'm a consultant? Why is your head so shiny? Why can't I hear anything? WHY WAS HR ALWAYS ORDERING LUNCH? Fuck.

"I'm here on vacation."

"For how long."

"3 months."

"Are you traveling alone?" And that's why writing this makes me cry. It was bad enough that my fucking bumbling uninformed retardation fucked my chances of getting into the country. I was drowning, and I had just pulled Bob down with me. He was so excited to get to London. And I wasn't. Had I fucked this up subconsciously/on purpose so I would get to go home and had I just fucked Bob's life up while doing so? (This is crazy. Bob: I know you're a grown up, but this is how I felt in the weeks after shit went down.)
The shitshow got good after that. I went on some spiel about being on a sabbatical from work while we investigated possible business opportunities in the UK. I may have shat my pants at this point. I can't really remember. The customs official, who we'll call Pat Sajak, told us to have a seat while he went over our documents. Pat left for a long time. Bob and I shat our pants more, joked around, waited, complained, stressed etc. until he came back. We talked about how any moron could clearly see that we were both dressed in multiple articles of clothing with our company logo on them. Two of my pieces of luggage had the logo. It was like shooting fish in a barrel for UK Immigration. We won the Darwin award over drinks that night, I'm sure. "Can you believe these two homeless looking motherfuckers tried to tell me they were coming to London on vacation? FOR 3 MONTHS? HAHAHA, Americans. If they hadn't destroyed us in the revolution it'd be another prison colony for hippies and rejects just like Austafuckingralia." Then they brought us to baggage claim to pick up all of our bags. We brought our stuff to some back room and they started going through everything. They went through EVERYTHING and took anything that was on paper. Birthday cards, letters, pictures, everything. Then they put all of our stuff back, very poorly. I watched a $400 dress get stuck in the zipper of my suitcase and laughed to myself.
It is now, dear reader, that I will tell you of our temporary home. The Heathrow Airport Detention Center. It looked like the lobby of the DMV. In Hell. If you needed to get you driver's license renewed in Hell, this is what the surroundings would look like. We had to leave all of our stuff outside. They wouldn't let us bring anything in because "Ya neveh know whaaash in that shhtaff." (That's supposed to be a cockney accent. Sorry, Eliza Doolittle.) The attendants at the detention center were the nicest people. They seemed to understand the fact that the protocol they were expected to enforce was stupid, but it had to be enforced nonetheless. They offered us the full array of vending machine fare available. This consisted of the following: Three different types of sandwiches. White bread with cheese and mayonnaise. White bread with cucumbers and mayonnaise. White bread with ham and mayonnaise. Two different types of "crisps". Plain, and I think the other was Mayo and Fried Cod flavor or something. (That should be the next Dorito flavor. I'm calling them.) The beverage assortment consisted of water, PG Tips tea and two types of Starburst brand fruit drinks. Lemon and strawberry, I believe. All of the beverages were served in the little plastic cups you drink floride out of at the dentists' office. Basically one sip of liquid. If you were still thirsty you had to go back up to the little hole in the plexiglass, flag down the chap who was watching the telly at full blast and ask for something else. The PG Tips was the best thing either Bob and I had tasted in all of our lives. The Starburst drinks were the sweetest thing I had ever ingested. And I've downed and entire bottle of Watermelon pucker in a night. I guess that's what comes with a Starburst brand drink. When we first arrived neither of us took part in the sammies because we didn't think we'd be there that long. As the night wore on I managed to eat one of each kind. The cheese one was my fav, but I really liked them all. Bob wanted no part. I think that poor guy really lost some weight on this adventure.
Before he dropped us off at the crib, Pat S. told us that he needed to go talk to his boss to see what was to be done with us, but first we would be interrogated by ourselves. (I don't think he actually used the word "interrogate" but just give me this one little thing.) So this guy pulls me and Bob out of our one room palace to get the real scoop on just what the fuck we were doing in London. I went in first. I think he was expecting me to try and keep lying. But no. Oh nononono. It was time to start playing a little game called "Throw EVERYONE under the bus." I told Pat the whole story. about how I'd tried to get my Visa worked out, how I didn't know how they'd come up with this plan, that I was a blinding alcoholic, how I was scared of thunderstorms and loved to sleep with the windows open. I told him everything. This guy made me feel like and A+, #1 moron. The second to last question he asked me was "So after you quit your job, what are you going to do?" His last question was "So you really thought this plan was going to work?" Whelp, Pat, to be honest I hadn't really thought about it. That's probably the problem here. Can I please buy a fucking vowel now?
After Bob went in he came in to talk to the both of us to tell us that we need to get mug shots and finger prints taken. Bob and I both perked up at the mention of shots, but our excitement waned as we realized our mistake. I really wish I had gotten a copy of my mug shot. I think my picture probably looked like Nick Nolte's mug shot. Bob somehow managed to get his hand in the picture while he was wiping the detention center and shame off of his face. I almost asked for the picture but I think Sajak would have tazered me. He was a total weenie. Then we were escorted back to our palatial estate to await the verdict. He had to go talk to his boss again to find out if were going to be let into the UK or sent back to the US. I frankly think he went to go flog the dolphin at the idea of exercising his massive and impressive immigration power over a couple of American douche bags, but whatever.
There was a phone in the room. We managed to talk to some people back in the States. Our UK boss was in pretty close contact with us, and she even managed to get a lawyer sent down to the airport. We called them, they called us but nothing was going to happen until we heard from Pat and Pat's boss. When the phone would ring it was usually for us, but sometimes it wasn't. When it wasn't for us it sounded like Osama Bin Laden calling to order pizza. I couldn't get the address of his cave right, so I usually just hung up.
The room we were housed in was totally weird. There were only three posters on the wall that didn't involve some list of customs infractions. One was an eagle (a symbol of America, no?), one was a flower and then the other was either a big horn sheep or an elk of some sort (do they have either of those species in the UK? I think they are indigenous to the US. Bob thought so too.) At some point in the proceedings Bob developed an extreme distaste for these posters and started to rant about it. Now, dear readers, many if not all of you know Bob. And you know if his ability to rant. This poster hatred produced some of the best Bobrant I have ever been privy to. Almost equal to when the temperature goes above 65 degrees or when Outback is out of potato soup. All in all Bob was an ideal cell mate. He has an amazing sense of humor and I think it was his presence which makes the whole thing seem funny in retrospect.
Sajak can back about 4 hours later. Or 8 hours. I have no idea. I think we landed at about 11. We got our verdict at about 9pm. We were going home. We had been found to be guilty of trying to pull a fast one on the Queen. Fuck us. We would have to go home, apply for Visas and then come back again once we got them. So the next question was "When do we get to go home?" Well rules state that when you get detained and then sent back you have to travel the exact same route that you came. This means that we had to find a flight that went from London to Munich, Munich to NYC. There was one of those flights. It didn't leave until 9am the next morning. We were staying here over night. Okay, fine. That sucks. Here's what sucks more: there were no beds for us. Apparently there were beds in this detention facility but only the real criminals (aka drug mules, weapon smugglers, terrorists etc.) got to sleep in beds. Corporate pawns with misplaced trust issues had to sleep on metal benches. We weren't even allowed to go get our books or iPods or anything. There were only a few books in the room. The only ones that looked mildly interesting were some shitty mystery book and the Koran. I read the whole mystery book and still had 8 hours to go. The TV came on at about 2am playing the original of the movie Carrie. With no sound. And the grate in front of the screen made it impossible to see the picture. You can imagine the fantasies I had of exploding a certain internet company with my mind. I tried to find a comfortable place to sleep. There was a side room that I kind of made my own. We were the lifers of the detention center so we got first dibs on the best chairs and shit. Nobody else was there for more than a couple of hours. I was pretty pumped about my little room until I discovered that this used to be the smoking lounge and I had most likely contracted contact emphysema by nestling my face into the pleather seat covers. I was in there alone for awhile until Bob woke up and came in to chat and then promptly take a snorecoma on the floor. (I love you Bob. You were very tired and uncomfortable.) So I didn't sleep. I just thought. About my life. And decided that this must be a sign from God, or Jen Savage or whoever is in control out there to make a change in my life. I had decided to quit my job many times. I'd actually got the words out to a superior twice, but those quits never quite stuck. I wasn't really sure this one would either, but the events that had unfolded and would continue to unfold were making it pretty hard to stay at the company with any of my pride intact. Plus, whilst lying awake for 12 hours I'd come up with some pretty radical ideas for food dehydrators and closet organizing implements and was resolved to call up Ron Popeil the minute I got within a PG Tips throw of a telephone. Having a job would just get in the way of my career as a great inventor.
The next morning Bob managed to smooth talk his way into laying hands on a toothbrush and face wash, and I rode on his coat tails in order to do the same. Then we noshed on a healthy breakfast of Starburst syrup and Fish and Chips....chips. Eventually we were escorted out of the DMV, to our stuff and we began to make our way to the plane that would take us home. Little did you know, dear reader, the benefit of being exported from a country. We were shot to the front of the line for our flight. And then we didn't have to take the normal passenger bus that brought all the other sheep to the plane. Oh no. We got our very own van. With a metal cage between us and the driver. It was a beautiful morning to be in a prison van in London. The van ride was pretty fun, and Bob chatted it up with the driver asking him all about how the gear shift configuration works in a van of this sort across the pond. Were things different because the steering mechanism was on the other side? Bob couldn't get enough. I was so amazed at Bob's ability to still wonder about anything at this point. I had given up, and he was still asking questions. He's a far better man than I.
When we got to Munich we were released from the authorities and if we weren't sleeping we were drinking. I crushed a split of 'pagne in Germany. At least I can say I did that. Proud, Mom? After minor crushing we got back on the plane and were homebound.
When we landed we both had 1,000 messages and emails from various member of the company. Apparently lodging had been arranged and we would be staying at one of the okayest hotels in Manhattan. All we wanted was to get back to some semblance of home, shower, eat, sleep and stare at a TV for at least elevendy blue hours. This was not to be. I still can't discern the motives here, but our boss had arranged for a "welcome home" dinner with our friends from work. We weren't going home to sleep. We were going out to dinner. With our boss. No. Fucking. Way. He took us to a fancy steak house and needless to say, without agreeing to it beforehand we all ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. If I hadn't been so tired I would have ordered a Gold Martini with a side of Sergio Rossi sling backs (Wow. I've never sounded more like a gay man in mah life.) I did manage to get a seafood extravaganza tower which made le boss wince, so that made me feel kind of good.
The next morning I woke up and decided I would go take a walk and think about shit. (Not actual POOP, silly.) I walked out the front door of the hotel and lo and behold there was a giant, inflatable rat standing out front surrounded by protesters. The employees of the hotel were protesting unfair and semi-illegal employment practices by the hotel chain. And this was the hotel where my company had chosen to put us up. Par for the motherfucking course. If I indeed needed another sign, here it was. Thanks for sending it over, God Savage.

So there it is. In a long, long, long blog post. I think I still left some shit out. Bob, if you feel that I've missed anything vital please feel free to start your own blog entitled "ThisDrunkBitchFuckedUpMyLifeGood" (There are two other with the same title originally penned right around the same time I discovered double bottles of wine.)

Postscript: Okay, in the company's defense, HR did send us an email outlining what were were supposed to say to customs when we arrived in London. Everything was legal, I just didn't read the email. Maybe I deserve the blame for that reason. Neither of us assumed that anything this important would be sent in an email with no follow up. But then who could have known that it was going to be this important? If we had tried to enter the UK at a different time, on a different day, talked to someone other than Sajak things could have been completely different. Who knows. Can't change the past. Just passive-agressively blog about it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

"Yeah, Sorry. I get NO cell service out where I live."

Okay, dear readers, (I stole that from Brad Neely, who I think stole it from someone more famous.  Dear Brad Neely,  If you're reading my blog you must be drunk, but you'll remember me as the wierdo who was sitting behind you chair handing you beers and blocking the door to the bathroom during the rendition of 'Dear Readers' after the showing of "We Are Wizards" at the Boston Independent Film Festival.  Remember the chick that passed out drunk in the comic book aisle and snored?  No, it wasn't me but we shared that.  I love you very much.  Let's make sex.  Love, The Wierdo Door Blocker Chick.)  Holy parenthetical digression, Batman.
Okay, as I was saying, dear READER, (Sup Jen.  What's going on?  How was your pizza?) I'm entering into some uncharted territory here, and I thought I'd share it with you because it's NOT pompous and self-centered to believe anybody gives a day-old shit about what's going on in my life. 
 This may be obvious to the outside observer: I'm totally single.  Totally, completely, terminally single.  This means that I'm allowed to go out and meet dudes.  I recently met one such dude, and was rather proud or myself because for fucking ONCE we don't work together.  We met at a coffee shop.  (Hello?  Cliche?  Can you call me back?  I think we have a bad connection.)  We talked and he seemed pretty unretarded, had the use of all four limbs and he could use words and stuff.  All in all we were off to a good start.  He walked me back to work and I, in a totally bold, un-me move, gave him my phone number.  He called and we went out for a drink and I, in a totally bold, un-me move, did NOT get pantshittingly drunk and went home que solo.  Then my good pal Jennifer came to visit and I dusted off my drunken-tard-whore mantle, got hammered and made out with the kid.  Oh yes "kid" implies he's younger than I.  What else would you expect?  Primordial Dwarfism?  Yeah, I guess that's a safe bet too. 
Post-make out I was having second thoughts.  The very idea of him made me feel a little queasy.  Maybe it's because I was wicked hungover, or maybe it was his gingerism, either way I was having regrets.  Here's where I get into unknown territory.  This has never happened to me before.  I've never liked a guy, hooked up with him, and then been over it.  I've always gone from MO to clinger in t-minus 2 days.  This is totally new, and to be completely honest, pretty fucking great.  
I'm snubbing.  I've never been the snubber, only the snubee.  This is fun.  I've been using all sorts of tricks that I didn't know were in my arsenal.  So far my favorite is the "Call back 30 seconds before you drive out of range of a cell tower".  I've done that twice.  Also, the "Pretend to not get text until the next day and weave elaborate tale of how you were busy trying to cajole a 4 year-old into taking a dump."  I do these things because I'm a dick and I don't want to be honest and say to him "Listen, Ginger, I really like my life and I don't need any supplement to it.  I'm going to go home, hang out with my rag-tag band of roomates and a four year old child.  I might watch an episode of Starship Galactica.  I might read the first 3 pages of a self-help book and fall asleep.  I don't know.  I don't know if I'll have enough time.  I have to get up super early tomorrow to sit at the coffee table and drink 4 cups of coffee before I eventually pour myself into my bathing suit and decrode on the beach for 3 hours. At any rate, what I'm trying to say is that it's not me.  I'm perfect.  It's you.  You're not a good fit for my awesome life.  Sorry.  I'll keep  your resume on file in case I get depressed and lonely at some point.  Chances are that I will, but I probably won't call you.  That's what booze is for."  I wish I could just say that to him, because I'm sure he'd just be like "Uh, okay psycho.  It's called 'Battlestar Galactica'.  Thanks for letting me know.  I'm all tore up.  I'll go bang the same 19 year old Scottish chick you saw me talking to when we met at the coffee shop.  Good luck with your wicked fun life." 
I'm not trying to be mean.  I find that real meanness only occurs when you're not trying.  So although I'm not trying to I probably am.  Whatever, I'm just a scared little douche trying to get through the day, and it's making me kind of happy to be able to snub for once in my life.  If you're going to begrudge me that you fucking suck.  Get off my blog......No.  Wait.  COME BACK.  I'm sorry.  I was wrong.  You don't suck, you're allowed to have an opinion too.  I love you.  NO I love YOU.  
Wait, fuck.  Did I tell him I had a blog?           

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



3 of the best people in the world were recently fired from their jobs.  This leads me to believe one thing: the world is going to hell in a hand basket designed by Rue McClanahan.
Dear Economy, 

Stop being sluggish.  Your posture is terrible.  If you keep making that face it's going to stick that way.   

Getting fired from  your job fucking sucks.  It's one of the more embarrassing things that can happen.  Besides pooping your pants in public.  In the daytime.  And having boogers coming out of your nose after you get out of the water to talk to the guy you've had a crush on for like 11 years.  (Don't assume that either of these things happened to me.  You're very assump....tu....ous.  Fuck.) Wow.  Now that I listed those two things I realize getting fired isn't really even in the top 10 most embarrassing things.  What about falling down in public?  Or spilling water on your crotch so it makes you look like you peed?  Oh what about ass sweat stains?  Sex farts?  Neckne?  Gingerism?  Being Canadian?  At any rate and all of that aside, getting fired fucking sucks.  A LOT.  But it happens.  And then once the firing is over, you're left with something.  It's actually the lack of something.  It's the lack of a job.  It's the lack of a mothertrucking JOB.  You have NO JOB!!  HAHAHAHA!  SCORE!

Why has society turned the phrase "I have no job." into some sort of admission of failure or fault?  To my mind, that's a cry of victory.  You have arrived!  You aint got shit to do!  Or, more accurately, you have everything to do.  For a brief time in your life, pretty much anything could happen.  That's fucking SWEET. 

 This post will be a list of all of the things which can possibly be accomplished during a period of unemployment.  I'l begin with some examples of real achievements already banged out by this crack team of jobless wonders:

1. Two kickball championships, and a successful reverse sleeper choke hold on some dude that was going to beat up your good buddy Karl: Completed.  (All three of these things happened in one night.  Who does that?  WHY DID YOU GET ALL OF THE AWESOME GENES? I WANT TO BE THE WILLIAM WALLACE OF KICKBALL.  MOOOOMMMM!!!!)
2. One shower caddy dissassembling mission: Aborted.  (Mission aborted because of decreased fine motor skills due to 9am Red-Headed Slut shots.)
3. 9am Red-Headed Slut shots: Completed.
4. Mission to Martha's Vineyard: Completed.
5. NOT being the reason a passenger ferry became engulfed in flames, crashed into China and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.  (Nice job, Savage.  Way to look where you were going this time.): Priceless.  For everything else, there's American Express. 
6. MO with wicked hot baseball player:  Check.  
7. Daytime margarita crushing: Completed.  
8. Dance Party at random local bar: Check.  
9. MO with waiter: Aborted.  (I can't disclose the details of this mission as only those on the "Need to Know" list have that information, however it is this reporter's belief that the eyes of history will look fondly on the reasons this mission was not completed.  For further information contact   

Wow.  Now that I look at that list, there's not too many more things these guys could possibly want to do.  The above list is pretty comprehensive.  

But let's give it a whirl, shall we?

Things to do whilst unemployed:  
1. Get a haircut that makes you look like you have a bony growths on your skull that could be the beginning of devil horns.
2. Give a haircut that makes someone look like they have a bony growths on their skull that could be the beginning of devil horns.
3. Whittle.  
4. Boat.
5. Spelunk.
6. Carabeen.
7. Belay. 
8.  Stage a live performance of an episode of The Hills.  Use a real couture dress for the scene when LC realizes she fucked up huge.  
9.  Learn to impersonate a D-list celebrity perfectly and use that ability to get laid by a moderately attractive person that you probably could have hooked up with even if you hadn't nailed the impersonation.
10.  Learn all the swear words from that sweet African click language, and hurl insults at strangers.  "CLICK$$#$%#CLICK#$ YOU!!"
11. Just one day, start drinking the MINUTE you wake up. 
12. Hang out with me and repeat 5,9, 10 and 11.  
13. Hire a camera guy to film you walking around being yourselves.  Fame and fortune will follow.
14. Hire me to be your Brian Gerard "Kato" Kaelin.  

I love you guys.  Congratulations.  GET TO WORK YOU CLICKING CLICKS!!