[10:19] anabell11@hotmail.com: also, i'm totally wearing a white skirt before memorial day
[10:19] anabell11@hotmail.com: HAHA
[10:19] anabell11@hotmail.com: SUCK IT BITCHES
[10:21] LizHall349: i wear white pants like every day
[10:21] anabell11@hotmail.com: that's cause we are above the law
[10:22] LizHall349: um
[10:22] LizHall349: that self doubt comic?
[10:22] LizHall349: genius
[10:22] anabell11@hotmail.com: hilarious.
[10:23] anabell11@hotmail.com: "T-Rex rules the schools! I cannot stress this enough!"
[10:23] LizHall349: hshs
[10:23] LizHall349: haha
[10:23] anabell11@hotmail.com: i think you should start responding to things as hshs instead of haha
[10:24] LizHall349: me too
[10:24] anabell11@hotmail.com: you'll confuse people as to whether you are laughing with them or hissing at their idiocy
[10:24] LizHall349: thats more how i laugh
[10:26] anabell11@hotmail.com: http://www.qwantz.com/index.pl?comic=577
[10:26] anabell11@hotmail.com: on top of all the other ways this comic has changed my vocabulary for the better, i am now going to replace "I think" with "I submit" in all contexts
[11:03] LizHall349: YES
[11:15] anabell11@hotmail.com: ugh, i am SO BORED and it's only 11:18
[11:15] LizHall349: ME TOO
[11:15] LizHall349: getting to work really early totally blows
1 comment:
Ummm. did you know that copy pasting IM convos is the #2 vector for HIV transmission, second only to eating tainted monkey meat?
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